Control Room Blog Series

Unveil the latest control room best practices and command center industry trends

Supercharge operator productivity and foster seamless collaboration in your mission-critical operations with Tresco Consoles. Join us as we explore this and more topics in this blog series.

XR: An Asset to Boost Your Control Room Console Design Experience

July 10, 2024
by Manuel Rivera

control room console design with multiple workstations set up for collaborative work

Evolution of Control Room Consoles and Process Control Operations

May 15, 2024
by Manuel Rivera

Tresco control room console layout and design for a collaborative work environment

Consoles Tailored for Command Centers and Operators

April 15, 2024
by Manuel Rivera

Command center consoles by Tresco, factory acceptance test scene

The Advantages of Made-to-Order Control Room Consoles

March 13, 2024
by Manuel Rivera

24-7 Chairs Engineered for Intensive-use

Feb 7, 2024
by Manuel Rivera

24-7 Intensive use chair in control room environment

Tresco Supporting Control Room Architects

December 7, 2023
by Manuel Rivera

How Ergonomic Workstations Boost Mission-Critical Operations 

November 15, 2023
by Manuel Rivera

Tresco simulation room with 3 workstations

6 Training and Simulation Techniques for Control Room Professionals

November 9, 2023
by Manuel Rivera

Tresco symmetric control room layout

The Symmetry Trap

October 22, 2021
by Evan Turner

Tresco control room design with several individual workstations and a large widescreen back wall (with a white gradient from the top)

Top 3 Distractions in Your Control Room

August 3, 2021
by Evan Turner

Tresco control room layout with three workstations and multiple displays

The Best Monitor Layout for Your Control Room

July 26, 2021
by Evan Turner

The Golden Rule of Control Room Design

July 19, 2021
by Evan Turner